latest 12 messages by xulu

+ [2015-01-09T11:31:48Z] xulu ok I'll check those thanks
+ [2015-01-09T11:31:14Z] xulu yes all channels
+ [2015-01-09T11:31:06Z] xulu I'm using webchat client
+ [2015-01-09T11:30:49Z] xulu but it doenst seem like it
+ [2015-01-09T11:30:36Z] xulu maybe
+ [2015-01-09T11:30:06Z] xulu yes
+ [2015-01-09T11:29:38Z] xulu but the rest of other peeps posts is invisible
+ [2015-01-09T11:29:14Z] xulu strange thing I can see your posts
+ [2015-01-09T11:28:36Z] xulu don't know why
+ [2015-01-09T11:28:26Z] xulu it's strange pontiki, I can't see what most other people post
+ [2015-01-09T10:47:58Z] xulu I have a problem seeing the channel
+ [2015-01-09T10:47:31Z] xulu hi everyone