latest 20 messages by zastaph

+ [2013-05-31T07:41:30Z] zastaph the issue is actually in Grit, that has 61 pull requests but no updates for a year :|
+ [2013-05-31T07:30:15Z] zastaph it seems that the thing that makes Gollum not work in ruby 2.0 is a simple hardcoded line:
+ [2013-05-31T06:29:46Z] zastaph still curious if gollum is very memory or resource hungry, or would run alright on a raspberry pi
+ [2013-05-30T20:47:27Z] zastaph would gollum run on a raspberry pi? does it take a lot of ressources
+ [2013-05-28T19:28:41Z] zastaph seems :)
+ [2013-05-28T19:26:29Z] zastaph
+ [2013-05-28T19:24:11Z] zastaph afterall 2.0.0 is supposed to be 1.9 compatible
+ [2013-05-28T19:23:33Z] zastaph I can, and probably will.. but the issue is known, and I can wait a few weeks for it to resolve :)
+ [2013-05-28T19:21:46Z] zastaph mmm, and if they go bankrupt next year I'll be forced to spend time to find a new :) no, I need to be able to host self
+ [2013-05-28T19:19:18Z] zastaph yeah something like this, but should work outside github projects too
+ [2013-05-28T19:16:21Z] zastaph yes, but like jekyll i think it's a bit over the top for my needs :) don't need oauth etc.
+ [2013-05-28T19:14:29Z] zastaph I see it also can be installed on your own server
+ [2013-05-28T19:11:20Z] zastaph prose is an in-page markdown editor ?
+ [2013-05-28T19:09:18Z] zastaph i would suggest a milestone feature also.. - milestone \n - [ ] task
+ [2013-05-28T19:08:37Z] zastaph well your doc subfolder containing markdown .. that could contain - [x] tasks
+ [2013-05-28T19:07:52Z] zastaph but if it could integrate with general documentation it would be even better
+ [2013-05-28T19:07:12Z] zastaph no, but I could if I don't find something :)
+ [2013-05-28T19:05:55Z] zastaph
+ [2013-05-28T19:05:54Z] zastaph ditz status, ditz show add, ditz show 1
+ [2013-05-28T19:03:22Z] zastaph i need a simple issue tracker that is based on files, not something integrated with git.. being file based it's naturally compatible with git