latest 20 messages by zer0her0

+ [2016-07-27T13:44:17Z] zer0her0 I got 9 alone last night and i've seen this a few times before.
+ [2016-07-27T13:43:54Z] zer0her0 Anyone else that follows large project getting automatically subscribed to forks but when you check that person's github page they don't seem to have said fork?
+ [2015-10-01T17:25:57Z] zer0her0 love it, totally having flashbacks of saturday morning cartoons as a kid
+ [2015-10-01T17:24:38Z] zer0her0
+ [2015-10-01T16:53:34Z] zer0her0 nooo ustream is blocked at work. :(
+ [2015-10-01T15:43:37Z] zer0her0 VxJasonxV In honor of Github Universe, my niece rocking a github onesie:
+ [2015-10-01T14:27:55Z] zer0her0 any word if they're going to be live streams?
+ [2015-10-01T14:04:11Z] zer0her0 is sad he couldn't make it
+ [2015-10-01T14:04:10Z] zer0her0 happy github universe day!
+ [2015-09-16T16:01:11Z] zer0her0 at least he didn't post and part like most people do
+ [2015-09-03T18:04:11Z] zer0her0 I hope it'll be!I should know by the end of the week if I'm going to attend.
+ [2015-09-03T17:57:53Z] zer0her0 Cool, I'm hoping to attend, but i may have other larger things going on then that I won't be able to attend.
+ [2015-09-03T17:55:50Z] zer0her0 VxJasonxV, hey do you know if the GHU Keynotes are going to streamed? And/or be available as VoD after?
+ [2015-08-11T19:42:57Z] zer0her0 this is literally my last domain on it. actually was just signing in to finally switch it over to google domains.
+ [2015-08-11T19:41:26Z] zer0her0 guess i'll handle this later
+ [2015-08-11T19:41:18Z] zer0her0 *sigh* and my godaddy account is locked.
+ [2015-08-11T19:39:17Z] zer0her0 i think i found the right doc now, stemped off the original one
+ [2015-08-11T19:32:34Z] zer0her0 the issue seems to stem from my username redirecting to custom domain.
+ [2015-08-11T19:31:45Z] zer0her0 yea meant io