latest 5 messages by zeryx

+ [2020-03-23T20:53:24Z] zeryx exit
+ [2020-03-23T19:04:03Z] zeryx I was assuming that github actions were kind of like modular microservice pieces that could be stacked on eachother, but maybe I'm wrong?
+ [2020-03-23T19:03:49Z] zeryx is that possible?
+ [2020-03-23T19:03:47Z] zeryx I was wondering if there's a way I can create an "orchestrator" action that doesn't use docker/nodejs or w/e and just essentially encapsulates that workflow for simplicity
+ [2020-03-23T19:03:23Z] zeryx hey folks, I'm working with github actions and I have a series of actions of I've created and bundled into a workflow for testing