latest 20 messages by zetok

+ [2016-09-07T22:11:32Z] zetok *in public, that is
+ [2016-09-07T22:11:19Z] zetok horrible code is horrible code and should not be tolerated
+ [2016-09-07T22:10:10Z] zetok jaybe: you don't need `find` there
+ [2016-09-07T15:24:40Z] zetok well, thanks :)
+ [2016-09-07T15:19:52Z] zetok categories require 0 messing with html templates
+ [2016-09-07T15:19:38Z] zetok >Similar to categories, one or multiple tags can be added to a post.
+ [2016-09-07T15:19:22Z] zetok thing is, docs seem to claim that adding tags to the generated html is just as simple as adding stuff in frontmatter
+ [2016-09-07T15:16:07Z] zetok I just hoped that there's something in the config that I've missed
+ [2016-09-07T15:15:46Z] zetok sighs
+ [2016-09-07T15:10:12Z] zetok sure I can.
+ [2016-09-07T15:09:36Z] zetok (which probably means no)
+ [2016-09-07T15:09:22Z] zetok dunno, I'm using whatever jekyll generates by default
+ [2016-09-07T15:04:46Z] zetok weird, since docs claim that tags use the same syntax as categories, which worked..
+ [2016-09-07T15:03:23Z] zetok hai, I'm trying to add tags to a post, and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, since the generated html doesn't seem to contain them – I've tried e.g. `tags: foo, bar`, `tags: foo bar`, `tags:\n-foo\n-bar`
+ [2016-07-16T21:03:38Z] zetok well, last time that I've looked at it was like 5 min ago, and I couldn't find an actual confirmation that things are supposed to just work™
+ [2016-07-16T21:02:35Z] zetok ok, figured it out, looks like I've been doing it wrong :)
+ [2016-07-16T21:02:14Z] zetok seen it before
+ [2016-07-16T21:02:09Z] zetok mm
+ [2016-07-16T20:58:47Z] zetok i.e. I got the feeling from the docs that I just need to push root jekyll directory to gh-pages branch in order for things to just work™ – so I'm wondering if I misunderstood, or whether I'm doing something wrong
+ [2016-07-16T20:56:06Z] zetok does jekyll require building manually, and then pushing stuff from `_site/` directory to `gh-pages` branch?