latest 6 messages by zhangxaochen

+ [2016-03-11T08:07:28Z] zhangxaochen I know 'git log -p filename' to see log for a file on LOCAL branch, but how to do that on remote repo?
+ [2016-03-11T08:07:21Z] zhangxaochen how can I check a commit history of ONE file of a remote repo? via page or smartgit?
+ [2014-09-19T08:18:11Z] zhangxaochen VxJasonxV, e.g., I now find smartgit's conflict resolver is better, but not sure if it's because I'm not familiar with GH4W
+ [2014-09-19T07:58:59Z] zhangxaochen I'm using git on windows, to choose a GUI client, smartGit vs. GH4W, which is better?
+ [2014-09-16T02:36:22Z] zhangxaochen how can I change the remote origin of a repo in "github for windows“?