latest 20 messages by zipper

+ [2017-03-03T13:20:47Z] zipper Seveas: Yeah I gave it time ans that seems to have fixed it
+ [2017-03-03T13:10:35Z] zipper *
+ [2017-03-03T13:10:22Z] zipper Hey why would a point to the right place but a username, have a 301 redirect to
+ [2016-12-23T09:10:20Z] zipper I also have `WARN: Unresolved specs during Gem::Specification.reset: listen (< 3.1, ~> 3.0)`
+ [2016-12-23T09:09:42Z] zipper Hey anyone know how this was fixed ?
+ [2015-07-15T13:04:56Z] zipper This requirement led to the following failure:
+ [2015-07-15T13:04:28Z] zipper So I want to make it possible for a repo I have to be pulled from without requiring SSH keys or something.
+ [2015-03-26T12:59:48Z] zipper :s/or/and
+ [2015-03-26T12:59:30Z] zipper Simplified: Is there a way to show that the maker of the pull request was the last commiter or show his pic and name right there?
+ [2015-03-26T12:56:13Z] zipper My issue is really not knowing much about merging pull requests via github UI
+ [2015-03-26T12:55:43Z] zipper name and pic
+ [2015-03-26T12:55:38Z] zipper I guess I authored the merge commit but I've had my pull requests closed and they showed my name there.
+ [2015-03-26T12:54:33Z] zipper It says that I authored it.
+ [2015-03-26T12:54:17Z] zipper I wish it would show his name/avatar as the last person to commit.
+ [2015-03-26T12:54:01Z] zipper Yes no commit is created, I aggree. See this
+ [2015-03-26T12:41:05Z] zipper When I merge a pull request shouldn't it show that the latest commit was by the person who made the pull request?
+ [2015-01-22T01:47:41Z] zipper So uh I was asking why jekyll could be blocking connections over a LAN.
+ [2015-01-21T23:38:07Z] zipper Using wifi to interconnect them.
+ [2015-01-21T23:37:46Z] zipper Like if it's locally running on localhost:4000 I should be able to enter the LAN IP of the PC from my phone and access it, no?
+ [2015-01-21T23:36:56Z] zipper Might there be a default jekyll config stopping me from accessing a jekyll site from another host within the same network?