latest 10 messages by zorro786

+ [2016-08-03T06:12:17Z] zorro786 I understand it. So to fix my issue right now I can make do with git rm command on my working directory?
+ [2016-08-03T06:10:16Z] zorro786 oooo I see.
+ [2016-08-03T06:05:04Z] zorro786 The developers currently work in git
+ [2016-08-03T06:04:44Z] zorro786 We can always migrate from git to Jenkins later on when required right?, currently we are only a startup with a few machine learning algorithms running on server.
+ [2016-08-03T06:04:01Z] zorro786 I will look in to Jenkins
+ [2016-08-03T06:02:18Z] zorro786 Oh what's a good way to go?
+ [2016-08-03T06:01:03Z] zorro786 I have the public_html folder on auto hook checkout from the bare repo
+ [2016-08-03T06:00:48Z] zorro786 Thanks for your reply sdaugherty, could you tell me the best course of action to take now?
+ [2016-08-03T05:53:01Z] zorro786 Hi! I have a question. So when I created a bare repo on my server I pushed dependencies too - meaning those are in index now and are being tracked. Now I added gitignore for those files but nothing is happening. Do I need to delete the bare repo and re create?