latest 9 messages by zoso

+ [2016-07-17T11:18:49Z] zoso jhass, thanks
+ [2016-07-17T11:18:25Z] zoso jhass, no other way?
+ [2016-07-17T11:13:27Z] zoso Hi, I have created a pull request from repo A to repo B. After I created the PR, I have made more changes to repo A, and dont want it to get appended to already created PR. How can I achieve this
+ [2015-05-14T07:22:25Z] zoso got it, nvm
+ [2015-05-14T07:21:13Z] zoso Hi, am unable to create labels for my repository. I do not see the create new label option :( What's happening?
+ [2015-04-28T06:34:26Z] zoso Hi, I want to use jekyll to power a blog site for the organization I work with. I have some questions, the people who collaborate over writing the blog posts need to have jekyll installed on their machines?
+ [2015-02-12T08:57:33Z] zoso Hi, is it possible to host binary distributable files on github, without it being a part of repo. I remember github earler had this option of uploading files, I can't seem to find it now. Please help.
+ [2014-09-25T15:49:53Z] zoso Nevik, aah I see. Thanks :)
+ [2014-09-25T07:26:32Z] zoso Hi, is there a way to create wiki pages from the docs directory in a given codease?