latest 20 messages by zxcat

+ [2019-09-20T17:19:18Z] zxcat I don't use X :) that approach is not productive. https / ssh fully agree!
+ [2019-09-20T17:17:54Z] zxcat in the sense of register a username make all the sense, not by using tools that the service offers.. I will try to find some way. or change to other hub lol
+ [2019-09-20T17:15:20Z] zxcat and by the develper API ? Developers cannot login into github every time they wish to create a repo.. that is "not useful". The API call must have some approach. I found some examples that "doesn't work" lol, but using the API and curl
+ [2019-09-20T17:12:21Z] zxcat I must.. please! that is the point that brings me here :)
+ [2019-09-20T17:11:33Z] zxcat am I sure if I am using the correct repo name ( if I am creating the repository in that commit ) I cannot fail. Username and pw is fine.
+ [2019-09-20T17:09:40Z] zxcat same "answer" > Repository not found < .. which let me think that this way doesn't work. Then, if there is another approach, to get the same resulve, I will appreciate.
+ [2019-09-20T17:06:45Z] zxcat remote feedback : repo not found-
+ [2019-09-20T17:06:21Z] zxcat yes.. i did mispel it
+ [2019-09-20T17:05:02Z] zxcat R2robot: to add it I use the sequence: git init && git add . && git commit -m "test" && git remote add origin && git push --set-stream master && git push .. I cannot create a repository this way ?
+ [2019-09-20T17:00:51Z] zxcat hmm.. doesn't work. I am trying to create a new repository and push it for the first time using only command line. Remote answer: Repository not found. While I test to add the remote using the https and get the same error. the approach is different?
+ [2019-09-20T16:49:30Z] zxcat I need to setup a ssh connection to push ?
+ [2019-09-20T16:48:41Z] zxcat hmm.. thereis a "fingerprint" of sha256 that is asked when I try to push
+ [2019-09-20T16:46:45Z] zxcat but a new ssh-key was added to .ssh/known_hosts but login did fail.
+ [2019-09-20T16:45:06Z] zxcat just*
+ [2019-09-20T16:44:49Z] zxcat no.
+ [2019-09-20T16:34:39Z] zxcat hi all :)
+ [2019-09-20T16:33:40Z] zxcat something did change for ssh keys? I get an error of permission (denied) in reference of publickey. I think I didn't setup ssh into git. I was trying to create a new reposity and push it. At 'git push -u origin master' I got that print. How can I solve it ?
+ [2019-09-13T17:18:00Z] zxcat ty ^
+ [2019-09-13T16:48:37Z] zxcat can we add the key without login in through the web ? by some API call ( not sure if is possible )
+ [2019-09-13T16:44:30Z] zxcat ok