latest 11 messages by zxiiro_

+ [2014-01-13T16:50:28Z] zxiiro_ maybe i can subclass it or something and rewrite that method
+ [2014-01-13T16:50:15Z] zxiiro_ jaybe: can I override site.rb in my own site?
+ [2014-01-13T16:49:45Z] zxiiro_ jaybe: i think i found the code
+ [2014-01-13T16:42:58Z] zxiiro_ jaybe: i need site.tags to tell me what all the tags that exist on my site is
+ [2014-01-13T16:41:47Z] zxiiro_ jaybe: Jekyll seems to only parse tags for Posts, not regular Pages. so a query to site.tags returns nothing even if you have pages that have tags.
+ [2014-01-13T16:40:07Z] zxiiro_ jaybe: yeah but jekyll does not seem to add them to site.tags, maybe i need to create a plugin to do that
+ [2014-01-13T16:32:42Z] zxiiro_ Is it possible to have Jekyll parse tags for non post pages?
+ [2014-01-13T16:06:11Z] zxiiro_ ok i figured out where jekyll's installed on my system. Going to try putting the plugin there and seeing if it runs
+ [2014-01-13T16:01:12Z] zxiiro_ trying to understand what being included in "core" means. Like would a system administrator beable to copy the plugin to a directory to say that it's now considered core?
+ [2014-01-13T16:00:42Z] zxiiro_ yeah i was reading that site, near the middle it says a plugin can specify that it is 'safe' too but it needs to be included in "core" to be able to run in safe mode.
+ [2014-01-13T15:55:03Z] zxiiro_ Hi everyone, I was wondering if it's possible to run "jekyll --safe", but still allow some plugins that are approved by the sysadmin?