+[2015-06-30T22:56:32Z]kdehlThank you guys! +[2015-06-30T23:16:33Z]rawtexttest +[2015-06-30T23:39:27Z]sondr3are there Jekyll plugins using hooks out there that I can take a look at? Trying to wrap my head around how it works +[2015-06-30T23:41:48Z]jaybesondr3, i'd dig into octopress (latest) +[2015-06-30T23:44:24Z]sondr3alright, thanks, I'll dig into it
message no. 101344
Posted by kdehl in #jekyll at 2015-06-30T22:32:17Z
This might be a bit offtopic, but can I ask a kramdown question here? Just how do I turn off line numbering using coderay in kramdown?
+[2015-07-02T10:35:20Z]sebieHi #jekyll, do you put <p> tags in a jekyll posts for paragraphs? When I do, it does not format the markdown. +[2015-07-02T11:13:52Z]sebieHi #jekyll, do you put <p> tags in a jekyll posts for paragraphs? When I do, it does not format the markdown. +[2015-07-02T11:15:08Z]gynterif you format posts as markdown then kramdown shoud do it +[2015-07-02T11:15:27Z]gynterjust separate paragraphs with one empty line as usually with markdown +[2015-07-02T11:16:09Z]sebieAnd it would work?