latest 7 messages by kdehl

+ [2015-06-30T22:56:32Z] kdehl Thank you guys!
+ [2015-06-30T22:56:27Z] kdehl Finally.
+ [2015-06-30T22:56:26Z] kdehl {::options coderay_line_numbers="nil" /}
+ [2015-06-30T22:32:17Z] kdehl This might be a bit offtopic, but can I ask a kramdown question here? Just how do I turn off line numbering using coderay in kramdown?
+ [2015-06-28T17:58:31Z] kdehl Ah, never mind. I could. I just needed to quote all options, such as height="320" is okay, whereas height=320 is not.
+ [2015-06-28T17:41:25Z] kdehl Why can't I use the <embed> tag? It gets interpreted as normal text and presented as such.
+ [2015-06-28T17:41:07Z] kdehl Greetings.