+[2015-07-03T23:01:44Z]SeveasXgates: you are :) +[2015-07-03T23:02:24Z]Xgatesno I'm not and sorry I'm not a fool here, I've been into computing over 20 years and 15 of that involved in end-user security +[2015-07-03T23:02:39Z]Xgateswhat I just explained is simple and BASIC security, nothing complicated or fancy +[2015-07-03T23:04:05Z]Seveasbasic security includes being able to destroy security logs? That must be a 20-year old practive then, because these days that's unheard of :) +[2015-07-03T23:05:46Z]XgatesFirst, the fact is, it's not Github's security logs we are talking about for their servers, that would be another story all together
This is a serious flaw that someone has failed to see, how how, is beyond me...
+[2015-07-04T00:19:49Z]neataroniim trying to write a post commit hook that only runs for master- my bash script has a line: read oldrev newrev refname ...but those are empty when i try to echo them +[2015-07-04T04:35:35Z]lillianhttps://github.com/lillian-lemmer/hypatia/blob/gh-pages/api/_static/default.css exists but i get a 404 here: http://lillian-lemmer.github.io/hypatia/api/_static/default.css +[2015-07-04T04:53:49Z]lillianhttp://lillian-lemmer.github.io/hypatia/api/hypatia.html#module-hypatia.sprites +[2015-07-04T08:20:25Z]lxsameerhey guys, how can I create a mirror repository +[2015-07-04T08:48:51Z]Seveaslxsameer: git clone --mirror