latest 20 messages by Xgates

+ [2015-07-16T07:43:46Z] Xgates does an owner of a project that has a github repo, when an end-user reports and issue, does that owner have access to the end-user's profile/info?
+ [2015-07-16T07:43:01Z] Xgates hello
+ [2015-07-03T23:05:46Z] Xgates First, the fact is, it's not Github's security logs we are talking about for their servers, that would be another story all together
+ [2015-07-03T23:02:39Z] Xgates what I just explained is simple and BASIC security, nothing complicated or fancy
+ [2015-07-03T23:02:24Z] Xgates no I'm not and sorry I'm not a fool here, I've been into computing over 20 years and 15 of that involved in end-user security
+ [2015-07-03T23:01:32Z] Xgates Shessh what's so difficult to understand here? LOL
+ [2015-07-03T23:01:19Z] Xgates NO one said it's not going to keep a history when you clear it and log out, you ONLY cleared it from that point...
+ [2015-07-03T23:00:56Z] Xgates I said once the end-user logs in and then they are ready to log out some time later, then at that point in time it would be best to check the History and if it looks ok, to clear it. NOW say later someone does gain access, they look at the History it would be cleared from any previous history, BUT because the logged in they just added their IP address...
+ [2015-07-03T22:59:23Z] Xgates You're not listening, sorry, but there is nothing be defeated here.
+ [2015-07-03T22:57:03Z] Xgates This is a serious flaw that someone has failed to see, how how, is beyond me...
+ [2015-07-03T22:55:44Z] Xgates Look, I'm not trying to be rude here, but seriously, let's get real, what are like all like computer newbies who don't even understand some basic computing security, that we log a history of the end-users IP address?
+ [2015-07-03T22:54:39Z] Xgates Simple... :)
+ [2015-07-03T22:54:21Z] Xgates As I said, create a two factor authentication method as well to allow the end-user to clear it, especially when they log out, would be the point, so if someone did hack in, there would be nothing for them to see. :)
+ [2015-07-03T22:53:19Z] Xgates That Security History, if the end-user of the account can't clear, when a would be hack logs in, now you've just handed them our IP addresses :(
+ [2015-07-03T22:52:43Z] Xgates Personal Settings > Security History
+ [2015-07-03T22:52:33Z] Xgates Sorry, I'm not sure what you are failing to see, or understand here?
+ [2015-07-03T22:50:24Z] Xgates --> Two-factor authentication provides another layer of security to your account.
+ [2015-07-03T22:50:22Z] Xgates Just like Github already has;
+ [2015-07-03T22:49:26Z] Xgates You can't just clear it, unless you authenticate to it :)
+ [2015-07-03T22:48:51Z] Xgates No you create it so the end-user who first creates the account assigns to it, and authetication method :)