+ [2015-07-09T19:57:00Z] zhodge excellent
+ [2015-07-09T19:57:04Z] zhodge thanks a lot Dougie187
+ [2015-07-09T22:34:47Z] leo60228 Does Github Pages support LFS Early Access?
+ [2015-07-09T23:32:06Z] VxJasonxV snuggles08: Pages is just a repository, so, yes, LFS will work on Pages repos too

message no. 102466

Posted by yvear in #github at 2015-07-09T03:37:00Z

+ [2015-07-10T01:01:37Z] dsdeiz hey all wondering if it's possible to auto delete a branch after a pull request has been merged
+ [2015-07-10T05:44:54Z] zhiwliu #ansible
+ [2015-07-10T07:31:17Z] Raydiation what is this tool called again that lints your repo to make contributing easy?
+ [2015-07-10T07:41:10Z] Seveas making contributing easy is not a property of your repo, it's a property of your behaviour :)
+ [2015-07-10T07:42:15Z] Seveas though probably adding a license and instructions on your preference for contributions (coding style, commit message requirements etc.) make things easier for people who read those