latest 10 messages by yvear

+ [2015-07-09T03:43:33Z] yvear gambl0re, ahh, I see
+ [2015-07-09T03:39:51Z] yvear I'm using github for windows. is it normal for it to use 1gb temp space? I only have 4 very small repos
+ [2015-07-09T03:39:32Z] yvear gambl0re, if you were running the site it would better done via backend code run on server
+ [2015-07-09T03:37:50Z] yvear gambl0re, js is another way
+ [2015-07-09T03:37:00Z] yvear yup
+ [2015-07-09T03:36:23Z] yvear in head
+ [2015-07-09T03:36:05Z] yvear gambl0re, <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; url=your_github_address" />
+ [2015-07-09T03:34:16Z] yvear gambl0re, are you in control of the server?
+ [2015-07-09T03:31:39Z] yvear gambl0re, via html?
+ [2015-07-09T03:30:36Z] yvear hello! I'm using github for windows. is it normal for it to use 1gb temp space? I only have 4 very small repos