+ [2015-07-10T20:02:23Z] Seveas hatim: delete that branch again
+ [2015-07-10T20:02:37Z] Seveas then pastebin the contents of .git/config
+ [2015-07-10T20:07:12Z] hatim xrogaan: that answer solves my problem
+ [2015-07-10T20:07:27Z] xrogaan I know, that's what seveas told you do to ;)
+ [2015-07-10T20:07:45Z] hatim Seveas: xrogaan thanks :)

message no. 102823

Posted by Seveas in #github at 2015-07-10T20:02:23Z

hatim: delete that branch again
+ [2015-07-11T02:24:42Z] Overand Is there a way for me to get a copy of what a given repo would look like if a pull request were merged into it? (Not my repo, not my pull request)
+ [2015-07-11T02:25:54Z] Kunda can someone help me understand this: I've made a PR through the Github GUI (https://github.com/scribusproject/scribus/compare/master...luzpaz:master) and I'd like to now via the CLI pull that diff down to my local machine and turn it in to a patch that I can submit to an SVN repo using this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/708202/git-format-patch-to-be-svn-compatible?answertab=active#tab-top
+ [2015-07-11T07:00:52Z] Vooloo with github pages, do I always need to keep a directory with my git repo locally? I was thinking to generate my HTML, upload it and then remove the directory. but that wont work if I always need a git repo locally with all the settings to auto deploy
+ [2015-07-11T08:59:02Z] Seveas Vooloo: you could use the API to create commits on the gh-pages branch
+ [2015-07-11T09:00:00Z] Seveas Overand: yes, you can fetch the relevant pull request ref