+ [2015-06-11T23:16:17Z] Jack_ to say*
+ [2015-06-29T19:18:23Z] jhwhite I have an octopress blog, but lost my HDD. My github repo is up-to-date though. So do all I need to do is clone my repo on my new computer and I'm good to go?
+ [2015-07-08T02:21:30Z] the_phantom2014 How to change the background color of the syntax highlighter from darkblue to white or gray?
+ [2015-07-14T17:46:47Z] Dexx1_ Anyone in here?
+ [2015-07-14T17:47:47Z] Dexx1_ New to this new fangled markdown/octopress stuff --- just have a quick question: I have an old blog with a lot of comments, is there a way to convert/port these comments into octopress so they remain intact? How can I do that? Anyway to avoid third party services like Disqus?

message no. 103197

Posted by Dexx1_ in #octopress at 2015-07-14T17:47:47Z

New to this new fangled markdown/octopress stuff --- just have a quick question: I have an old blog with a lot of comments, is there a way to convert/port these comments into octopress so they remain intact? How can I do that? Anyway to avoid third party services like Disqus?
+ [2015-08-06T08:46:53Z] dkozel Is Octopress 3 now the recommended version?
+ [2015-08-06T08:47:19Z] dkozel I see that numerous RCs happened and now several tags past 3.0
+ [2015-08-06T08:47:32Z] dkozel but the website (http://octopress.org/) has not been updated since January
+ [2015-08-09T22:23:10Z] msx hi all, any news about octopress 3!?
+ [2015-08-17T20:21:26Z] aleatoire Does octopress 3.0 have up to date documentation?