+ [2015-07-22T22:30:30Z] Seveas Primer: git submodule update
+ [2015-07-22T22:30:41Z] Primer Does nothing
+ [2015-07-22T22:31:23Z] Primer Sorry, talking in 2 channels and I had already mentioned that in the other channel. Should have mentioned it here too.
+ [2015-07-22T22:40:31Z] Primer Perhaps I did something incorrectly: git clone --recursive https://github.com/wkhtmltopdf/wkhtmltopdf.git; git branch -a; git checkout -b 0.13 origin/0.13; git submodule update; cd qt; ls (this doesn't show what is seen here: https://github.com/wkhtmltopdf/wkhtmltopdf/tree/0.13/qt)
+ [2015-07-22T22:58:39Z] Omego2K hey, is there a way to figure out the original path to a moved file in a pull request using the github API?

message no. 104238

Posted by Primer in #github at 2015-07-22T22:31:23Z

Sorry, talking in 2 channels and I had already mentioned that in the other channel. Should have mentioned it here too.
+ [2015-07-23T00:19:26Z] linux_dream hey guys I'm having some troubles to update a file and sync it with github . I've a file in my repo, that I have locally too. I edited this file locally, and did "git add file" then "git commit -m "update" " then git push origin master but it says everything is up to date
+ [2015-07-23T00:20:10Z] linux_dream I blindly tried "git fetch origin master " too
+ [2015-07-23T00:20:16Z] linux_dream I have untracked files now...
+ [2015-07-23T01:02:05Z] linux_dream hey guys any idea on how I can update a file ?
+ [2015-07-23T01:02:34Z] linux_dream locally it's more recent than the one in github