+[2013-09-26T23:17:57Z]eightfoldjaybe: i think so, but i have to tinker a bit +[2013-09-26T23:18:26Z]eightfoldjaybe: and it's 01:20 in the night here +[2013-09-26T23:18:27Z]jaybeeightfold, feel free to reference/browse/peruse the site i provided to learn +[2013-09-26T23:18:34Z]jaybeeightfold, the entire site source is available for viewing +[2013-09-26T23:18:45Z]eightfoldthat's great, really
Any one here using mr_poole with Jekyll? http://github.com/mmcclimon/mr_poole
+[2013-09-27T02:43:10Z]D-Chymerahello everybody - is there any way to make a blog always display the most recent version of an article? I am thinking of versioning my articles as html or reST with git and publishing them either on my own server or on github, from where wordpress/whatever CMS could pull them. I am gathering jeckyll does something similar. Is there any somewhat simple way of doing this with/without jeckyll? +[2013-09-27T02:50:49Z]jaybeD-Chymera, what do you mean by, "most recent", and "versioning"? +[2013-09-27T02:53:09Z]jaybeby default, jekyll/blogs publish and provide content chronologically. if you publish new content, which is older than previous content, it will be newer and 'latest'. +[2013-09-27T02:54:31Z]jaybeif you are talking about making multiple versions of a document available, based - for example - on their git commit hashes… that's interesting. +[2013-09-27T06:26:31Z]markalanevansHey guys, anyone around?