+ [2015-07-25T20:53:50Z] kristian_on_linu so that I get for instance everything published from 2000 to 2010?
+ [2015-07-25T21:02:09Z] gynter no clue, never used it
+ [2015-07-25T21:02:15Z] gynter also, too drunk to try :P
+ [2015-07-25T21:03:43Z] gynter also i'm not sure if it's possible that way
+ [2015-07-25T21:03:50Z] gynter you could try to put this in the for loop ;)

message no. 104996

Posted by yebyen in #jekyll at 2015-07-25T01:33:57Z

i honestly don't know
+ [2015-07-26T03:32:28Z] ecksit hello, i'm hitting the following error when running `jekyll serve` - "/opt/rubies/2.1.5/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/pygments.rb-0.6.3/lib/pygments/popen.rb:381:in `rescue in get_header': Failed to get header. (MentosError)"
+ [2015-07-26T20:47:20Z] ravenzz hello
+ [2015-07-26T20:47:28Z] jaybe hi
+ [2015-07-26T20:49:09Z] ravenzz I am trying do to a weird thing, I want to host a blog under some folder say b/
+ [2015-07-26T20:49:23Z] ravenzz better /b/