latest 20 messages by yebyen

+ [2015-07-25T01:35:19Z] yebyen (i'm sure it's easy on github pages)
+ [2015-07-25T01:34:50Z] yebyen not the way it works on jekyll s
+ [2015-07-25T01:34:44Z] yebyen iow, the way it works on github pages
+ [2015-07-25T01:34:27Z] yebyen i heard the reasonable way to serve jekyll is from nginx
+ [2015-07-25T01:33:57Z] yebyen i honestly don't know
+ [2015-07-25T01:32:55Z] yebyen that sounds like an answer
+ [2015-07-25T01:32:47Z] yebyen "Static assets are any file in the root or non-underscored subfolders that are not pages."
+ [2015-07-25T01:31:36Z] yebyen if you drop them in _site, does that have any effect?
+ [2015-07-25T01:31:25Z] yebyen i am sure you can serve static pages
+ [2015-07-25T01:31:09Z] yebyen sorry just dropped in
+ [2015-07-25T01:31:04Z] yebyen but, i don't know the answer in either case
+ [2015-07-25T01:30:55Z] yebyen i suspect the answer is not exactly the same on either platform
+ [2015-07-25T01:30:21Z] yebyen are you serving jekyll with jekyll serve?
+ [2015-07-25T01:30:12Z] yebyen hm
+ [2015-07-24T17:18:54Z] yebyen sane people will probably use nginx instead, but
+ [2015-07-24T17:18:14Z] yebyen on the latest jekyll release version
+ [2015-07-24T17:18:09Z] yebyen i got my jekyll server deploying with a heroku buildpack
+ [2015-07-24T17:17:57Z] yebyen woop woop
+ [2015-07-22T18:55:22Z] yebyen finds 'jekyll new'
+ [2015-07-22T18:48:32Z] yebyen that's pretty ancient