+ [2015-07-27T19:52:24Z] billybob stilldavid: do i have to tell it to use the custom.css? or will it pick it up itself - i just copied over the other one to test
+ [2015-07-27T19:52:35Z] billybob then I can configure when I know it works
+ [2015-07-27T19:52:45Z] stilldavid yeah, if you add a custom.css file throw a link to it in the header of your layout
+ [2015-07-27T19:53:01Z] stilldavid no problem at all!

message no. 105455

Posted by billybob in #jekyll at 2015-07-27T19:29:37Z

hi guys, can anyone see what I am doing wrong? I have a gravatar for my lanyon/poole jekyll blog, and it will not centre the image - http://lwears.github.io/lwears-blog/ - i have copied the code from two other blogs with the same theme but for some reason it doesnt work… here is one of the other blogs http://patricksteadman.ca/2014/08/04/lanyonsetup/
+ [2015-07-28T10:43:23Z] LightBri_ https://github.com/nickbalestra/kactus/blob/master/_includes/share.html
+ [2015-07-28T10:44:07Z] LightBri_ In the following file, when target="_blank" attribute is added to <a> tag, this added attribute is not appearing in the generated _site
+ [2015-07-28T10:47:25Z] LightBri_ someone pls help.