latest 20 messages by billybob

+ [2015-09-03T13:59:07Z] billybob cant figure out why - last time i checked they were wokring
+ [2015-09-03T13:54:44Z] billybob they work trhough the archives section
+ [2015-09-03T13:54:32Z] billybob hello, can someone help me with my jekyll blog on github? for some reason my article links have stopped working.
+ [2015-07-27T19:52:35Z] billybob then I can configure when I know it works
+ [2015-07-27T19:52:24Z] billybob stilldavid: do i have to tell it to use the custom.css? or will it pick it up itself - i just copied over the other one to test
+ [2015-07-27T19:44:49Z] billybob just waiting for it to update so I can see if it worked
+ [2015-07-27T19:39:34Z] billybob so bare with me
+ [2015-07-27T19:39:30Z] billybob ive just started
+ [2015-07-27T19:39:26Z] billybob thanks very much!
+ [2015-07-27T19:39:12Z] billybob wow yeah thats useful
+ [2015-07-27T19:38:38Z] billybob let me test that
+ [2015-07-27T19:37:27Z] billybob how in future would I find out about that? I couldnt see any references in the code
+ [2015-07-27T19:37:11Z] billybob ive been looking at this for hours
+ [2015-07-27T19:37:06Z] billybob thanks stilldavid
+ [2015-07-27T19:29:37Z] billybob hi guys, can anyone see what I am doing wrong? I have a gravatar for my lanyon/poole jekyll blog, and it will not centre the image - - i have copied the code from two other blogs with the same theme but for some reason it doesnt work… here is one of the other blogs
+ [2015-07-27T12:44:11Z] billybob is there someway of getting a list of settings you can configre in config.yml