+ [2015-07-28T20:45:00Z] ayee Dougie187: What is the remote for it?
+ [2015-07-28T20:45:22Z] Dougie187 To fetch from, and then merge from. But just read what the people said in the other room, if you're really trying to fetch.
+ [2015-07-28T20:55:42Z] nikolaj_basher really no one how will help me answer my question??
+ [2015-07-28T21:00:01Z] nikolaj_basher found the answer by myself, In the rod there was clone button
+ [2015-07-28T22:15:56Z] Cyba32 Hi

message no. 105568

Posted by ayee in #github at 2015-07-28T20:45:00Z

Dougie187: What is the remote for it?
+ [2015-07-29T04:53:56Z] aberrant I forked a repo in github. How do I set upstream to the original?
+ [2015-07-29T05:04:44Z] Motoko Add a remote.
+ [2015-07-29T05:04:51Z] Motoko It's in the docs on GH.
+ [2015-07-29T05:11:59Z] aberrant got it. thx.
+ [2015-07-29T06:40:32Z] tase I forked a repo, did 3 commits, created a pull request, it was accepted, rebased my master, made 2 commits, wanted to create a pull request, new pull request also included the 3 previous commits ?