+ [2015-07-30T23:21:12Z] ldc I've cloned a repo and commited something
+ [2015-07-30T23:21:18Z] ldc then pull request and it was accepted
+ [2015-07-30T23:21:24Z] ldc can I delete my fork now?
+ [2015-07-30T23:21:45Z] ldc ok thanks

message no. 105826

Posted by quackgyver in #github at 2015-07-30T11:38:54Z

Okay so I guess my next question is, can I do "assume-unchanged" on an entire folder when I'm on Windows? The Bash client that came with my Git installation doesn't seem to be working at all, so can I just do this via a config file or something?
+ [2015-07-31T06:45:47Z] viran Hello, it is possible to setup repository permissions on GitHub? Who can merge into the develop/master branch for example
+ [2015-07-31T06:49:32Z] Gurkenglas I used the github client to clone a repository (The haskell library named free), made a change in the folder supplied to me by the client, used the client to make a commit from it, clicked on Create Pull Request in the upper right corner, Send pull request is grayed out. What do I do?
+ [2015-07-31T07:09:28Z] Gurkenglas How do I use the github client to turn my commit into a pull request? Clicking the Create Pull Request button has the Send pull request button greyed out with the comment "The source and destination branches are the same."
+ [2015-07-31T07:12:20Z] honestly you need to fork
+ [2015-07-31T07:13:41Z] honestly you need to fork the original repo, commit and push your changes into that repo, and then open a PR against the original repo