+ [2015-08-01T11:41:16Z] gynter dunno what I have did to that lad to piss him of...weird
+ [2015-08-01T15:18:43Z] pontiki hi, all
+ [2015-08-02T00:10:36Z] idd2d I'm attempting to create a projects collection for my portfolio site, but I'm having trouble using it correctly.
+ [2015-08-02T00:11:19Z] idd2d I've added collections: - projects to my _config, created a _projects/ dir, and created an example project within this directory, with front matter & contents.
+ [2015-08-02T00:13:40Z] idd2d nm. Writing this out led me to the solution: I was using site.categories.projects, rather than site.projects

message no. 105996

Posted by idd2d in #jekyll at 2015-08-02T00:13:40Z

nm. Writing this out led me to the solution: I was using site.categories.projects, rather than site.projects
+ [2015-08-03T08:18:09Z] layke_ I reinstalled my system, reinstalled ruby, jekyll etc.. and now when i build I get this error...
+ [2015-08-03T08:18:12Z] layke_ Build Warning: Layout 'page' requested in Account_Management/add_secondary_email_for_enquiries.md does not exist.
+ [2015-08-03T08:18:12Z] layke_ jekyll 2.5.3 | Error: undefined method `match' for #<Array:0x007f5af3003638>
+ [2015-08-03T08:18:50Z] layke_ Unsure, what could be causing this. I also noticed that there was a message regarding haml.. during install
+ [2015-08-03T08:18:56Z] layke_ "HEADS UP! Haml 4.0 has many improvements, but also has changes that may break your application:"