+ [2015-08-06T16:22:37Z] gynter what do you mean install scss?
+ [2015-08-06T16:23:51Z] gynter have you tried searching for: jekyll and sass?
+ [2015-08-06T16:24:01Z] gynter this is the first result: http://markdotto.com/2014/09/25/sass-and-jekyll/
+ [2015-08-06T21:59:11Z] pontiki there's also sass-lang.org
+ [2015-08-06T21:59:25Z] pontiki which is scss and sass in general

message no. 106514

Posted by pontiki in #jekyll at 2015-08-06T21:59:25Z

which is scss and sass in general
+ [2015-08-08T15:59:28Z] kristian_on_linu okay, so I have some info that will be repeated here and there as the page is about movies...
+ [2015-08-08T15:59:50Z] kristian_on_linu for instance, Director: _________, running time: _________
+ [2015-08-08T16:00:05Z] kristian_on_linu should I "database" this somehow?
+ [2015-08-08T16:00:36Z] kristian_on_linu it *could* be done with jekyll-scholar and CLS, but I think that might be too much work?