+ [2015-08-12T02:26:00Z] rawtext jaybe: ttyl
+ [2015-08-12T02:26:19Z] jaybe o/
+ [2015-08-12T03:27:26Z] hoverbear Jekyll is giving me multiple image captions /o\
+ [2015-08-12T07:04:20Z] gynter anyone with issues
+ [2015-08-12T10:02:25Z] trrfx hi. problem: jekyll just doesn't recognize new liquid tags in .rb-files in _plugins folder. i always get "liquid exception: unknown tag 'abc' ind _posts/yyyy-mm-dd-somepost.md". i googled the problem but all say, just drop rb-files in _plugins and you're good to go. thnx.

message no. 107466

Posted by rawtext in #jekyll at 2015-08-12T01:18:31Z

I may move my site to github pages in the future. not sure if I'll be using a web host just yet for production.
+ [2015-08-13T00:16:33Z] kristian_on_linu I have this line: {% include /briefs/{{ member.brief }} %}
+ [2015-08-13T00:17:09Z] kristian_on_linu it should instead be using the markdown plugin: {% markdown /briefs/{{ member.brief }} %}
+ [2015-08-13T00:17:35Z] kristian_on_linu however, I need to add ".md" for it, then
+ [2015-08-13T00:19:52Z] kristian_on_linu I tried using this: {{ 'sales' | append: '.jpg' }}