+[2015-08-14T23:55:45Z]VxJasonxVservice hooks don't have the ability to customize event types, unlike webhooks +[2015-08-14T23:56:02Z]VxJasonxVin theory, service hooks only act on events relevant to them. in something like this, naturally that is not entirely feasible +[2015-08-14T23:56:26Z]VxJasonxVyou can change the event subscriptions via the API: https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/hooks/#edit-a-hook +[2015-08-14T23:56:42Z]VxJasonxVeither replace the list via the events parameter, or remove select ones via the remove_events parameter +[2015-08-14T23:57:24Z]smwill try that, thank you
+[2015-08-15T00:27:49Z]smVxJasonxV: hmm, with events set to ["issues", "issue_comment", "push"], I received the push notification sent by Test Hook (and marked the sender as "no moderation required"), but I don't receive anything for a new issue or issue comment. +[2015-08-15T00:28:36Z]smooh... ""message": "email Service does not respond to :issues events"" +[2015-08-15T00:28:41Z]smdarnit +[2015-08-15T00:31:37Z]rascharlesAnyone here who might be able to help with https://github.com/boxen/our-boxen/issues/773 +[2015-08-15T00:51:13Z]waglenot seeing how to ff merge from master into my fork