+[12 years ago]parkrmojobot tell parkr what +[12 years ago]mojobot@parkr: Sodesu sensei sama! +[12 years ago]parkrhi +[12 years ago]mojobotparkr: parkr @ 19:08:42 GMT+0000 (UTC) said: what +[12 years ago]parkrMan, that's cool.
message no. 1081
Posted by parkr in #jekyll at 2013-05-19T19:09:04Z
+[12 years ago]RobW_Is there a way to prevent Jekyll from deleting everything in the site dir before generating? +[12 years ago]RobW_I'd like it to overwrite but not clean, because I'm using grunt tasks to copy most of the site files. +[12 years ago]RobW_…damn, looks like parker went to sleep. He's so helpful. +[12 years ago]RobW_Grunt will be cleaning and generating. I suppose I can just have jek generate first, and move all files with grunt afterwards. +[12 years ago]RobW_mojobot: tell parker Is there any way to prevent jekyll from cleaning the site dir? I'm cleaning and copying all non-html files with Grunt, and might want the choice of overwriting any files that I miss excluding from the jekyll comp.