+ [2015-08-20T22:38:14Z] greencoder hey guys if I own a domain name and want to host my jekyll blog on GitHub, would I be able to use my domain name with it
+ [2015-08-20T22:40:57Z] Ikilledher greencoder, yes you can
+ [2015-08-20T22:40:59Z] Ikilledher https://help.github.com/articles/setting-up-a-custom-domain-with-github-pages/
+ [2015-08-20T22:45:48Z] greencoder Thanks Ikilledher !

message no. 108850

Posted by parkr in #jekyll at 2015-08-20T00:13:42Z

so don't upload _site
+ [2015-08-21T02:21:49Z] greencoder does anyone here use the Pixyll theme? For some reason syntax highlighting is only working for Ruby and CSS
+ [2015-08-21T02:30:10Z] greencoder This is the syntax highlighting issue I'm having: http://i.imgur.com/auQ2ixJ.png
+ [2015-08-21T02:30:24Z] greencoder I don't know why nothing is working besides Ruby or CSS
+ [2015-08-21T02:30:45Z] greencoder And here is the markdown: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/4e76020f161d381ac6aa
+ [2015-08-21T03:17:27Z] jaybe reminder to review project code of conduct and comment if interested - as it is in the process of adoption - https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/commit/03b2bbf93de1025be81ca0d4a4f11d3e6d8f829e