+ [2015-08-22T17:52:13Z] Nevik just fyi
+ [2015-08-22T17:52:12Z] porton Nevik: I use the word "bug" extendedly, including feature requests
+ [2015-08-22T17:52:36Z] Nevik porton, in that case, "issue" is more appropriate
+ [2015-08-22T17:52:45Z] Nevik or "ticket"
+ [2015-08-22T21:04:55Z] StyXman hot can I view a diff between two commits not directly related?

message no. 109312

Posted by porton in #github at 2015-08-22T17:16:40Z

I've created a repo at BitBucket. There there is no facility to create a downloadable file or <pre> text at README with current commit number (for example to create a BibTeX citation)...
+ [2015-08-23T02:44:13Z] saadq hey guys
+ [2015-08-23T02:44:54Z] saadq How do I stop my username.github.io website from redirecting to a different site
+ [2015-08-23T02:45:01Z] saadq I removed the CNAME but it is still redirecting there
+ [2015-08-23T02:51:23Z] wagle I think I want to rename my tagspace repo to tagspace-archive and create a new repo for the completely-new/from-scratch version of my firefox plugin.. is there a standard practice for doing this sort of thing?
+ [2015-08-23T03:05:40Z] polyzen seem to have forgotten how to remote a remote branch