latest 20 messages by saadq

+ [2017-03-18T17:01:44Z] saadq got it ty
+ [2017-03-18T17:01:00Z] saadq Ah, I think I just found it:
+ [2017-03-18T17:00:18Z] saadq Does anyone know if this is possible?
+ [2017-03-18T17:00:07Z] saadq hey all. I received multiple pull requests for a repo and I was wondering if there was any way I could combine all these changes at once and download the new file so I can test it before merging the changes in
+ [2015-11-14T04:29:09Z] saadq so is there a specific web server GitHub uses to host gh-pages?
+ [2015-11-14T04:28:52Z] saadq yeah i see
+ [2015-11-14T04:26:27Z] saadq alright, thanks pontiki!
+ [2015-11-14T04:25:46Z] saadq Oh, so this is only because I'm running it locally?
+ [2015-11-14T04:24:10Z] saadq But thanks anyways pontiki for hearing me out
+ [2015-11-14T04:24:00Z] saadq nah it wasn't anything I needed to hide, I just didn't want directories to be able to be seen by users like this
+ [2015-11-14T04:23:02Z] saadq but I don't want them going to
+ [2015-11-14T04:22:49Z] saadq pontiki: Well I mean I need the assets for the site
+ [2015-11-14T04:18:44Z] saadq so if they go on my site/assets I dont want them to be able to see files inside the folder
+ [2015-11-14T04:18:36Z] saadq pontiki: Basically, I don't want to allow indexing
+ [2015-11-14T03:34:27Z] saadq Is there a way to add a .htaccess file for your Jekyll site if it's being hosted on GitHub?
+ [2015-08-23T02:51:22Z] saadq oksushi: I don't think I did, I'm using NameCheap, and I didn't do anything on the settings there so I'll check
+ [2015-08-23T02:46:08Z] saadq I removed the CNAME from the repo, but it is still getting redirected
+ [2015-08-23T02:45:59Z] saadq How do I stop my jekyll blog from redirecting to a different site
+ [2015-08-23T02:45:01Z] saadq I removed the CNAME but it is still redirecting there
+ [2015-08-23T02:44:54Z] saadq How do I stop my website from redirecting to a different site