latest 9 messages by porton

+ [2016-11-12T13:38:06Z] porton I receive several types of webhook events from GitHub. Is it OK just to ignore some events if we don't need them? or is it better to turn off some event types? It seems that the traffic from GitHub is not going to be very big, and thus is makes no sense to turn off some events, just ignore them in our software
+ [2016-11-09T23:09:14Z] porton Do I understand correctly that OAuth access tokens in GitHub are non-expiring and not going to become expiring? And there is no such thing as refresh tokens, isn't there?
+ [2015-08-22T17:52:12Z] porton Nevik: I use the word "bug" extendedly, including feature requests
+ [2015-08-22T17:51:31Z] porton I have already reported a bug at BitBucket to support this. I did not reported the bug at GitHub
+ [2015-08-22T17:20:00Z] porton Anyone, does GitHub support a feature like this?
+ [2015-08-22T17:17:41Z] porton To make things clear: I want to create a citation WITH CURRENT COMMIT NUMBER (dependent on which branch or commit the user is browsing)
+ [2015-08-22T17:16:58Z] porton Should I move to GitHub?
+ [2015-08-22T17:16:53Z] porton ... is it supported by GitHub?
+ [2015-08-22T17:16:40Z] porton I've created a repo at BitBucket. There there is no facility to create a downloadable file or <pre> text at README with current commit number (for example to create a BibTeX citation)...