+ [2015-08-26T19:43:19Z] SReject To better explain, I'm working on a repo's wiki, and would like to create a link within the wiki that directs the user to downloading the latest 'build' file
+ [2015-08-26T20:22:32Z] ranmanh Hi.. I need some quick info
+ [2015-08-26T20:22:46Z] ranmanh what "site_admin" stands for in the API?
+ [2015-08-27T22:27:08Z] Zarthus Is github's authorize-app page broken for anyone else?
+ [2015-08-27T22:28:59Z] Zarthus removing the class 'site-footer' makes things clickable again, but that's a hack, not a solution ;)

message no. 109828

Posted by Zarthus in #github at 2015-08-27T22:27:08Z

Is github's authorize-app page broken for anyone else?
+ [2015-08-28T07:02:04Z] staf help with connection from windows gui client (https://desktop.github.com/) to gitlab!
+ [2015-08-28T08:03:23Z] Siilwyn Hello people, yesterday I released the first version of my small NPM module on GitHub but in my excitement when creating the 'release' I forgot to prefix the version tag with the letter v. Afterwards I noticed this so I pressed 'edit' and changed the version tag... Then something unexpected happened as instead of changing the current release it made a new version tag. How can I delete the new ones and actually edit the wrong releases
+ [2015-08-28T08:03:23Z] Siilwyn ? The releases page: https://github.com/Siilwyn/postcss-property-sorter/releases also the tag page shows a list of what I did.
+ [2015-08-28T08:03:31Z] Siilwyn TL;DR
+ [2015-08-28T08:03:36Z] Siilwyn How to delete and edit tags and/or releases to fix the mess on: https://github.com/Siilwyn/postcss-property-sorter/tags