latest 20 messages by Siilwyn

+ [2015-08-28T08:59:17Z] Siilwyn Alright, going to grab something to drink, be back. ;)
+ [2015-08-28T08:58:40Z] Siilwyn Haha yeah, will not push a version when I'm sleepy again. (fingers crossed)
+ [2015-08-28T08:57:47Z] Siilwyn Only Travis CI seems to be thrown off, it's building the old version again. ;D
+ [2015-08-28T08:55:50Z] Siilwyn Alright, thanks for all the help Nevik, tobiasvl and _rgn! I solved it by pulling the tags to my machine; deleting the tags. Then I made a new tag and changed the GIT_COMMITTER_DATE, GIT_AUTHOR_NAME and commit ID to hold the correct info. Finally I pushed it. Et voila, I could check if everything was correct and delete the old tags throught GitHub's interface.
+ [2015-08-28T08:23:59Z] Siilwyn Going for the "The insane thing."
+ [2015-08-28T08:23:18Z] Siilwyn Nevik, I see, thanks a lot! Will update you when I succeed.
+ [2015-08-28T08:20:41Z] Siilwyn Thanks! Will give it a read!
+ [2015-08-28T08:17:49Z] Siilwyn Alright cleaned it up now I still have 0.0.0 which I want to rename to v0.0.0:
+ [2015-08-28T08:15:50Z] Siilwyn git push --delete origin 0.1.0 did the trick
+ [2015-08-28T08:15:04Z] Siilwyn because it's remote ofc.
+ [2015-08-28T08:14:29Z] Siilwyn The deletion throws an error: error: tag '0.1.0' not found.
+ [2015-08-28T08:12:58Z] Siilwyn But then how do I change 0.0.0 to v0.0.0 while preserving the date/point in time it was published?
+ [2015-08-28T08:12:04Z] Siilwyn So first delete 0.1.0 and v0.0.0
+ [2015-08-28T08:11:41Z] Siilwyn ^ Forget what I just said. Here's the deal: 0.0.0 is correct, v0.0.0 is not. 0.1.0 is incorrect and v1.0.0 is correct
+ [2015-08-28T08:09:37Z] Siilwyn So then: git tag -d 0.0.0 && git tag -d 0.1.0 && git push --tags would do it right?
+ [2015-08-28T08:08:59Z] Siilwyn Mind me, this is the first time I use tags. Looks like when I 'edited' the release it did indeed change the existing release but preserved the old tag.
+ [2015-08-28T08:07:28Z] Siilwyn Maybe you're correct tobiasvl
+ [2015-08-28T08:07:22Z] Siilwyn oooh wait a sec.
+ [2015-08-28T08:06:52Z] Siilwyn Well yeah I did, can I edit the ones without the 'v' to include it?
+ [2015-08-28T08:06:06Z] Siilwyn So I guess first delete the incorrect ones with: git tag -d v0.1.0 && git push --tags