+ [2015-09-07T20:33:54Z] gynter thats why pagination is good
+ [2015-09-07T20:34:55Z] jaybe the theme master site loads fine/good despite
+ [2015-09-07T20:35:23Z] gynter kills bandwith for mobile users
+ [2015-09-07T20:35:38Z] gynter also takes quite time on my machine to load
+ [2015-09-07T20:36:12Z] jaybe nod

message no. 110720

Posted by kashike in #jekyll at 2015-09-07T05:46:59Z

is there a way to use a different directory for css files? scss imports don't need to be processed outside of /css/
+ [2015-09-08T03:16:14Z] CustomerSupport How do you set up a permalink template in the `_config.yml` file?
+ [2015-09-08T03:23:43Z] jaybe CustomerSupport, https://jekyllrb.com/docs/permalinks/
+ [2015-09-08T03:28:35Z] CustomerSupport Okay, I've checked that, but my config file looks nothing link that
+ [2015-09-08T03:30:26Z] CustomerSupport This is what mine looks like: http://prntscr.com/8dvdi7 Default config