+ [2015-09-15T23:45:13Z] jeffreylevesque just trying to follow http://docs.travis-ci.com/user/docker/#Building-a-Docker-Image-from-a-Dockerfile
+ [2015-09-15T23:45:43Z] therebelrobot :( sorry. You might be able to find more specific help for that over at #docker
+ [2015-09-15T23:54:43Z] ClaudiusGalenus are any of those github notification bots provided by github itself?

message no. 112247

Posted by jeffreylevesque in #github at 2015-09-15T23:45:13Z

just trying to follow http://docs.travis-ci.com/user/docker/#Building-a-Docker-Image-from-a-Dockerfile
+ [2015-09-16T01:35:49Z] pragmatism Any employees here?
+ [2015-09-16T01:36:32Z] pragmatism Phone was stolen, I have 2FA enabled, and I'm unable to recover any of my 2FA backup codes.
+ [2015-09-16T01:37:38Z] pragmatism I'm unable to find a way to login. I still have my SSH keys and PGP keys if those can be used to prove my identity.