+[2015-09-19T18:35:53Z]xeonguyQuick question about Github for Mac. I am the owner of the repo and I made a development branch like the tutorial reccomended. In order to submit back to master, do I (as the owner of the repo) have to do a pull request? +[2015-09-19T18:36:12Z]xeonguyOr is that just for people who have forked my repo? +[2015-09-19T18:38:31Z]lolisayou can do a pull request, or you can use git merge +[2015-09-19T18:41:52Z]xeonguyi’d rather merge since I own it +[2015-09-19T18:42:25Z]xeonguythanks for the info
Or is that just for people who have forked my repo?
+[2015-09-20T00:55:07Z]hagabakadoes github provide analytics for github pages? +[2015-09-20T01:36:02Z]lolisaYes, github has traffic graph, if that's what you mean +[2015-09-20T01:36:18Z]lolisaYou can also get google analytaic or cloudflare +[2015-09-20T01:42:10Z]hagabakathe traffic graph seems to be for the repository and not hosted github-pages though +[2015-09-20T02:08:53Z]lolisaThan AFAIK github have none