+ [2015-09-25T21:13:36Z] VxJasonxV Insolsence: you can generate a public key if you have a private key
+ [2015-09-25T21:14:50Z] VxJasonxV ssh-keygen -y [-f input_keyfile]
+ [2015-09-25T21:32:01Z] Insolsence VxJasonxV: I already have the public key
+ [2015-09-25T21:32:06Z] Insolsence but Github won't accept it for some reason
+ [2015-09-25T21:32:22Z] Insolsence I'll try restarting later and will see if it's fixed

message no. 113813

Posted by MACscr in #github at 2015-09-25T03:18:07Z

im a bit of a noob to git, so bear with me. Ive cloned an existing github project from a third party and ive already made a bunch of customizations. Ive decided that i would like to create my own private repo on github to store all my changes, etc. How should I go about doing this? Ive manually created the private repo in github, but when i go to try to push to it, i get a fatal error saying remot
+ [2015-09-26T01:34:12Z] fahadash If I buy a private repo, how many private clones could be forked off it?
+ [2015-09-26T10:39:37Z] dvl Via the web interface, is there a way to do a 'git pull' from upstream? i.e. pull changes made on master down to my fork... Google search is showing me how to do this from the command line, but I know how to do that..
+ [2015-09-26T10:55:57Z] Zarthus dvl: there's no way to sync a fork via the web interface
+ [2015-09-26T10:56:16Z] dvl Zarthus: I think I just figured out what I wanted...
+ [2015-09-26T10:56:54Z] dvl Zarthus: If I click on my project (e.g. https://github.com/dlangille/gitolite), I see 'This branch is 7 commits behind sitaramc:master'...