latest 4 messages by MACscr

+ [2015-09-25T04:56:00Z] MACscr VxJasonxV: set-url seemed to do it. Im not going to be pushing anything back to the original as this is for a project for a client. I was though wondering if its possible to still do merges from the original branch
+ [2015-09-25T03:19:27Z] MACscr i just found a set-url option to change the url. Should i be doing that or should i have forked the original project or what? lol
+ [2015-09-25T03:18:07Z] MACscr e origin already exists
+ [2015-09-25T03:18:07Z] MACscr im a bit of a noob to git, so bear with me. Ive cloned an existing github project from a third party and ive already made a bunch of customizations. Ive decided that i would like to create my own private repo on github to store all my changes, etc. How should I go about doing this? Ive manually created the private repo in github, but when i go to try to push to it, i get a fatal error saying remot