+ [2015-09-30T14:26:55Z] diyfupeco congrats gynter
+ [2015-09-30T14:27:14Z] gynter ooooo nice, @envygeeks upgraded discourse
+ [2015-09-30T14:27:24Z] gynter holds thumbs for Solved plugin
+ [2015-09-30T14:28:59Z] jaybe :)

message no. 114427

Posted by gynter in #jekyll at 2015-09-30T14:26:36Z

oooh, i'm the first regular in jekyll talk, nice
+ [2015-10-01T03:20:59Z] mdurbar Hello all, having issues with RedCarpet I have version 3.3 installed but when I type Jekyll Serve I get an error
+ [2015-10-01T03:32:14Z] jaybe mdurbar, hi. the latest jekyll uses the kramdown markdown rendering engine.
+ [2015-10-01T03:33:02Z] jaybe ./latest
+ [2015-10-01T03:33:03Z] jekyllrb jaybe: '2.5.3\n'
+ [2015-10-01T03:40:00Z] mdurbar thank you jaybe