+ [2015-10-07T20:24:20Z] drabherb Thank you again for being so patient. I really appreciate your help
+ [2015-10-07T20:25:50Z] Dougie187 I like submodules.
+ [2015-10-07T20:25:56Z] Dougie187 But that's just because I like forks
+ [2015-10-07T20:26:16Z] Dougie187 Seveas: Do you have something that works well for dependency management?
+ [2015-10-07T20:28:06Z] Seveas debian/rpm packages, cpan modules, pypi packages...

message no. 115296

Posted by drabherb in #github at 2015-10-07T20:13:45Z

I want to add a submodule to a branch. Push it to the server. And after testing being able to merge this branch into the release branch. Basically like a new folder with files
+ [2015-10-08T00:28:19Z] Geo Hi, I'm part of a project that just transitioned to github from cvs - we normally accept contributions via standard diff files. I have a queue of diffs now that I would like to incorporate into git- is there an 'easy button' way of doing this via github, w/o having to patch each one into the existing codebase one by one?
+ [2015-10-08T00:29:23Z] Geo I guess what I'm asking- can i create a PR from a diff?
+ [2015-10-08T02:57:49Z] xiphiasx_ https://github.com/xiphffff/tomboy/blob/master/src/lib/cpu.cpp#L364
+ [2015-10-08T02:57:57Z] xiphiasx_ i'm baffled