+ [2015-10-07T20:24:20Z] drabherb Thank you again for being so patient. I really appreciate your help
+ [2015-10-07T20:25:50Z] Dougie187 I like submodules.
+ [2015-10-07T20:25:56Z] Dougie187 But that's just because I like forks
+ [2015-10-07T20:26:16Z] Dougie187 Seveas: Do you have something that works well for dependency management?
+ [2015-10-07T20:28:06Z] Seveas debian/rpm packages, cpan modules, pypi packages...

message no. 115302

Posted by drabherb in #github at 2015-10-07T20:16:23Z

But the problem I have is, I added the submodule on the branch I was actively working. pushed it to the server, checked out the release branch and the submodule folder was still showing up. Even though the release branch should not have this submodule
+ [2015-10-08T00:28:19Z] Geo Hi, I'm part of a project that just transitioned to github from cvs - we normally accept contributions via standard diff files. I have a queue of diffs now that I would like to incorporate into git- is there an 'easy button' way of doing this via github, w/o having to patch each one into the existing codebase one by one?
+ [2015-10-08T00:29:23Z] Geo I guess what I'm asking- can i create a PR from a diff?
+ [2015-10-08T02:57:49Z] xiphiasx_ https://github.com/xiphffff/tomboy/blob/master/src/lib/cpu.cpp#L364
+ [2015-10-08T02:57:57Z] xiphiasx_ i'm baffled