+ [2015-10-08T14:37:34Z] AvinashSnl gynter: I just re-installed execjs, via gem install execjs .. now the problem is gone
+ [2015-10-08T14:37:57Z] AvinashSnl thanks for the help, I appreciate it very much ... have a nice day!
+ [2015-10-08T14:43:14Z] gynter ah noice
+ [2015-10-08T14:51:06Z] jaybe ;)

message no. 115445

Posted by AvinashSnl in #jekyll at 2015-10-08T14:31:52Z

+ [2015-10-09T12:35:54Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll#6114 (master) The build was fixed. https://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/84492917
+ [2015-10-09T16:40:59Z] RalfJ is it possible to somehow compute in the YAML front matter, or execute some liquid template code *before* the main template starts? say, I want some page to have the content of some global variable (from _config) as its title. currently, I am repeating the string, but that feels kind of lame...
+ [2015-10-09T16:42:03Z] jaybe RalfJ, variables from _config.yml are globally available. {{ site.myvar }}
+ [2015-10-09T16:43:09Z] RalfJ jaybe: yes, but it seems I cant do that in the YAML front patter: this doesnt work
+ [2015-10-09T16:43:09Z] RalfJ title: {{ site.myvar }}