latest 16 messages by AvinashSnl

+ [2015-10-08T14:37:57Z] AvinashSnl thanks for the help, I appreciate it very much ... have a nice day!
+ [2015-10-08T14:37:34Z] AvinashSnl gynter: I just re-installed execjs, via gem install execjs .. now the problem is gone
+ [2015-10-08T14:34:02Z] AvinashSnl I just reinstalled jekyll, I'm still facing the same issue
+ [2015-10-08T14:32:21Z] AvinashSnl perhaps the problem is with jekyll installation?
+ [2015-10-08T14:31:47Z] AvinashSnl it gave me the same error
+ [2015-10-08T14:31:40Z] AvinashSnl yes, I did run that command
+ [2015-10-08T14:31:02Z] AvinashSnl jaybe: thank you!
+ [2015-10-08T14:30:40Z] AvinashSnl I'm also working with express.js at the moment
+ [2015-10-08T14:30:23Z] AvinashSnl I have node on my machine
+ [2015-10-08T14:28:35Z] AvinashSnl gynter: can you please take a look at this
+ [2015-10-08T14:19:56Z] AvinashSnl gynter: are those msg's intended to me?
+ [2015-10-08T14:07:33Z] AvinashSnl hey folks, I have an issue with jekyll, it wont let me serve my pages