+ [2015-10-19T21:46:18Z] wakeatnight I fixed it. Had to put baseurl: "" in _config.yml
+ [2015-10-19T22:40:22Z] pikajude why does the "hub" tool require xcrun?
+ [2015-10-19T22:48:29Z] pikajude oh, sorry, it actually depends on git being present and it was finding /usr/bin/git
+ [2015-10-19T22:48:31Z] pikajude no kidding.

message no. 116902

Posted by diegoviola in #github at 2015-10-19T05:14:46Z

when opening an issue on github, is it best to link to a gist in the issue or should I paste my config files in the thread?
+ [2015-10-20T02:12:19Z] drmr exit
+ [2015-10-20T08:54:12Z] zotherst1 is there a way to disable gitmarkup for a section of ascii art?
+ [2015-10-20T09:06:50Z] Seveas zotherst1: wrap it in ``` ascii art here ```
+ [2015-10-20T10:02:17Z] zotherst1 Seveas doesn't work :(
+ [2015-10-20T10:02:48Z] _rgn ```