latest 20 messages by diegoviola

+ [2016-03-01T15:46:06Z] diegoviola is there a way to set up 2factor auth for things like gmail and github on archlinux? I don't have a phone or tablet
+ [2015-10-19T05:15:09Z] diegoviola 179 lines of code
+ [2015-10-19T05:14:46Z] diegoviola when opening an issue on github, is it best to link to a gist in the issue or should I paste my config files in the thread?
+ [2015-07-15T11:57:53Z] diegoviola I've already created the new account
+ [2015-07-15T11:57:40Z] diegoviola no, I'm ok to follow the company policy
+ [2015-07-15T11:53:45Z] diegoviola they might just clone it from their github
+ [2015-07-15T11:53:41Z] diegoviola I know lots of devs use emacs and vim at work, I don't see them recreating their configurations from scratch at every job
+ [2015-07-15T11:53:24Z] diegoviola in saying that I'm not supposed to use my personal development environment at work
+ [2015-07-15T11:50:59Z] diegoviola quackgyver: no, but there are many developers working at companies where they use the same environment they are used to, some developers keep their development configuration in a dotfiles repo, does that answer your question?
+ [2015-07-15T11:46:56Z] diegoviola because I have some repositories there
+ [2015-07-15T11:45:34Z] diegoviola i.e. to update dotfiles, etc
+ [2015-07-15T11:45:28Z] diegoviola but I usually push to my personal account too